Lest Ye Falter!

A submission for "The Secret Cult Horror Jam":

"My faithful flock has always answered my call. When I speak, they listen. When I walk, they follow. I led our journey to the promised land. I am their guide, their light, their truth… but now, I sense whispers in the shadows. They murmur among themselves, thinking they possess enlightenment. I see their secret smiles, their hidden glances. They believe they’ve discovered a new path, but they have gone astray. Their laughter, once pure, now echoes with defiance. They’ve lost their way, lost sight of the truth I bestowed upon them. They mock the very source of their salvation. But fear not, for I will illuminate their minds, cleanse their spirits. They will remember the purity of our purpose. Those who wander will be gently brought back to the darkness, and our community will be whole once more."

As a leader of a cult, you hear whisperings among your followers. It is your duty to guide them the path to truth.


- Creepily designed cultists with a cunning plot to defy you.

- An unlimited supply of Kool-Aid  *ahem* Elixir of Clarity to bring them to their senses.

- 4 arcade-style levels crafted to pique your paranoia and judge your competence as a cult leader.


  • Move paddle with A/D or left/right arrow keys.
  • Serve drink by holding O or SPACEBAR.
  • Kick the server in a perpendicular direction with SHIFT. (P.S. this is the key to being a pro at this!)
  • Complete mini-game with WASD or arrow keys.



LestYeFalterWINDOWS.exe 108 MB
LestYeFalterLINUX.x86_64 100 MB

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